In Australia, the most serious problem is Water resources. The scarcity of water is due to the little rainfall. Since, Australia is a second dry country following the South Pole and by this desertification has break out.
There are various reasons due to which the Australia is facing scarcity of water.

Firstly, Due to the little rain fall in Australia has scarcity. The high atmospheric pressure and the rise over the Indian Ocean moves towards Australia causes fine weather. This results less rainfall and ultimately causes scarcity of water.

Secondly,  Surface temperature in Northern Australia is lower which causes no evaporation of water and this results atmospheric dryness and is carried all over Australia.  This causes no rain fall.
Thirdly, the Forest and plants are destructed which causes problems in producing Oxygen and water by photosynthesis. This work is carried out in worst way, only 5% of the forest in left now in Australia. Destruction of forest, cutting down of trees it ultimately reduces the amount of water in the atmosphere. This too result no rainfall.  These are the major reason which has resulted in less rainfall in Australia.

Australian Government need to make policies regarding protecting forest, plantation and take strict action to those who breaks those policies.

Similarly, I will propose two results about water deficiencies. In the first place is the system that employment Reverse Osmosis Membrane that is called RO Membrane. RO Membrane is a sort of filtration layer.
In this system we apply weight to seawater and transmit seawater to RO Membrane. The channel expels the salt from the seawater and leaves freshwater. In the event that the centralization of salt of seawater is high and in the event that we need the water containing less salt, we must channel the seawater utilizing high weight to the RO Membrane, so RO Layer is made to remained up to high weight. Thus, this strategy is exceptionally extravagant, however I think it’s not unless to help Australian from the water deficiencies, since Australia has enough cash.

In any case the water that is made by this strategy is not suitable for drinking. The water is not adapted, so when we need to drink it, we must bubble it. Second is the system that uses potatoes. Seventy five percent of potatoes is water, yet crunchy potato chips have little water. The water leaves from warmed potatoes as steam currently making potato chips and at the present, this vapor is released the smokestacks of the production lines.

Presently in one plant in Lancashire, England, an analysis is constantly led. The water of the potatoes that is released as vapor amid the cooking methodology is gathered also it is utilized within the production line. In this production line, 3000 liters of water is gathered in a hour.

This method is as of now being creating, however the motivation behind some individuals in this plant is to deal with the water that is utilized when individuals wash potatoes et cetera. What's more to supplant faucet water and drinking water in the plant with the potato water later on. They additionally hope to give surplus water as assets to groups. The water that we can get from this strategy is as clean as general faucet water, so it is definitely not important to treat it for drinking. Hence I think Australia ought to receive these two routines and the water that is made by RO Membrane ought to be utilized for industry and the water that made by utilizing potatoes ought to be utilized for drinking.

I proposed two techniques for Australia, yet I think a water deficiency is not just a issue for Australia. A water lack is significant to us Japanese, and I think we can do numerous things to tackle this issue. For instance to stop water while brushing our teeth, and numerous Japanese use both a shower and a bathtub, so we ought to utilize water from the bathtub as opposed to scrubbing down. These little things will help water protection.

I imagine that the best answer for what's to come is that every individual do something for water protection, however little the thing is.