By and large, a strategic plan is extremely expansive in its degree; subsequently, it requires multi-dimensional inputs. These inputs may originate from diverse utilitarian divisions or practical ranges in an organization, for example, showcasing, fund, creation, human resources and bookkeeping.
Strategy  is an expansive scale future turned arrangement for associating with the focused environment to accomplish organization targets. What's more, strategic plan is alluded as a situated of choices and activities that bring about the detailing and usage of arrangements intended to attain expected targets of an organization. In this manner, a strategic management, generally, includes planning, directing, organizing and controlling of company’s strategic decisions and activities.
To actualize strategic management process , an organization requires commitment from top level administration, movement usage will oblige a ton of assets and a strategic plan may have a multi-utilitarian or multi-business suggestions. . At functional level, a company may come up with strategies on different sectors for example, research and development strategies, financial/ accounting strategies, marketing strategies, human resource strategies etc. Therefore, unless a strategic management system is well aligned with functional areas such as marketing, finance, production, human resources, and accounting, it is not possible to achieve intended results.