While considering the critical incident of Kali’s it demonstrate the entrepreneurial leadership skills which is done in Lesotho. Kali is a creative as well as he has ability to generate ideas and do the things differently. He merely had shown the business prospects in the critical incident.In this critical incident, it shows the marketing strategy as well as he has a great sense of influencing people to do his work for free. He has build a mart and is able to distribute goods to all the people in the small areas. He considered small communities people and targeted to the area where he can get good market. He supplied the goods to the villages and he was famous for his work. He was asked by others as well to supply the goods to the market. He used three fold solution to get to the market.
  1.       Use of old wheels from broken trolley, tricycles and lawnmowers and pieces of wood and wwire.
  2.      Selling of good at villages through the young energetic people and he made commitment  and demonstrate the use of trolley and using the pieces Kali supplies and get the customer base
  3.      The people interested to sell the goods can load the goods at the trolley and get agreed shares in return.

This strategy of doing business shows to be an entrepreneur. He then made a storage house in various location for free and they will get some shares after the goods are sold. He not only benefiting himself but also the people who are interested to do the business are also benefited by him. He then implemented the banking system and transaction of money are done through the banks and he was supported by his siblings people and the suppliers of the Lesotho which has made it possible to establish the mini market in Maseru. He got links as well as he is good is making relationship with the people. Now he is supplying goods in bulk and he is able to supply at reasonable price which shows his entrepreneurial skills done through leadership skills.

he process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task, where as “effective leadership” includes the ability to successfully integrate and maximize available resources within the internal and external environment for the attainment of organizational or societal goals.

Entrepreneurship is the act of being an entrepreneur, which can be defined as “one who undertakes innovations, finance and business acumen in an effort to transform innovations into economic goods”. This may result in new organizations or may be part of revitalizing mature organizations in response to a perceived opportunity.

Leadership implies taking action that positively enhances the arts, which entrepreneurship involves the creation of an enterprise or venture.