Before comprehending what ethical leadership is, lets first discuss about what actually ethics is. Ethical behavior refers to doing the right thing. Ethics really are focused around a situated of social standards. Ethics is focused around reasonableness i.e. it is concerned with treating everybody similarly with equality. Ethical behavior reflects a quality framework that becomes out of an clear perspective of the world that is focused around value, equity, needs and privileges of others and also oneself. To be exact, ethical leadership comprises of two components. One is ethical leaders must act and take decisions ethically and the other one is , ethical leaders should likewise lead ethically  in the ways they treat people in regular interaction, in their state of mind, and in the ways they empower.
Ethical initiative may be visible and also invisible. The leader is mindful to carry on pleasantly with people and make his work done adequately and effectively, it is identified with obvious part and can be visible. An alternate is invisible part i.e.  ethical leadership lie in the leader's character, decision making range, in the set of qualities and standards and settling on the significant decision in the vital time.
Ethical  leadership have various aspects, some of them are as take after:
·         Encouragement of people to do their tasks with a specific end goal to attain the target
·         Dividing the individual enthusiasm with the enthusiasm of association.
·         Motivation of the employee and taking the criticism from them and actualizing them in a legitimate manner.
·         Accepting obligation and being responsible.
·         Understanding the force of initiative and utilizing it well – imparting it however much as could reasonably be expected, never mishandling it, and practicing it just when it will advantage the people or association we work with, the group, or the society.

The 4-V Model of Ethical Leadership
It is the model that specifically supports the convictions and qualities with behavior and activities with the end goal of propelling the benefit of everyone. This model was created by Dr. Bill Grace focused around his formal leadership research and individual interests around faith and ethics.
Values: Ethical leadership starts with an understanding of and commitment to the people core values. By finding the values which make up the core of our identities and motivators, we start the procedure of coordinating our exceptional values with our choices in our personal, expert, and civic lives.
Vision: It is the capacity to casing activities inside a frame of what should be, mostly the areas of services to others.
Voice: It is the process of making others comprehends our vision and persuading them to activity.
Virtue: It is the methodology of comprehension that we get to be what we practice.

The importance of Ethical Leadership
1.      It forms trust :
Ethical leadership forms trust among the member and leader. From the trust of the people ethical leader is chosen and they will believe them indiscriminately feeling that leader will make the best choice and they will take after the right way.
2.      Bring appreciation to both us and the organization:
 The leader is made to lead viably and effectively. At whatever point people will go about as a leader, they have some awareness of other's expectations towards their association, their kin and society overall. In this way, people and gatherings inside and outside the association, will regard the leader and the association where s/he is working and  for trustworthiness that has been made.
3.      Lead towards cooperation of the association:
 The merger of the bank will be the best case for it. At the point when there is mutual understanding, participation and managing the association ethically, they will be additionally eager to work together.
4.      Making the great work space inside the association:
 when there is great leader then it is clear that s/he will attempt his best to make great workplace and meet the focus without making it load to the representative and continues rousing them. At the point when the leader did not miss used his energy association will work ethically and support for long run.
5.      Targeting the right approach to go:
 Everyone has his/her own particular obligation towards the association, group, and society. When they tail it in a right manner, they will make the right stage to perform and demonstrate them the best and it will consequently take after the  ethical framework. Leaders will take after their commitment and obligation keeping in mind the end goal to make the right way and making other take after the way they have made.

6.      Affords self confidence:
 When leader take after the right way and have devotion towards their worker, work, association then the sense of pride will naturally produce on account of the considering the ethics of what decisions, activities, and interactions have made.

Good Governance Act of Nepal
The path in which public officials and public institutions obtain and exercise political force to deal with nation's undertakings and resources is known as good governance. Good Governance is kept at the top most priority of any nations. Numerous nations have been confronting pressure to make a more dynamic, proactive and deeper culture of citizen engagement in decision making methodologies and streamlines its administration conveyance and administration transform through sanctioning of noteworthy laws like Good Governance Act.
In case of Nepal, Nepal is a underdeveloped country, political situation are not good but politics has provided many rights in the hands of people or the citizens by engaging the discriminated communities and group in forming the nation more focused and loyal towards citizens needs and their priorities.

Blvd, W. (2014). MBA Capstone. In W.Blvd, MBA capstone. Los Angeles: IAU