Kali Charles Thaannyane was born in the capital of the mountain kingdom of Lesotho. He was born in poor family. When he was young boy the various change was occur across Africa. Lesotho was landlocked country. It has also internal political conflicts as well as conflict with the Apartheid regime. Most the people of Lesotho were Christian, traditional customs, rites and beliefs to help support, explain and purpose to their hard and basic as subsistence farmers. Lesotho earning basically depends on export of manufacturing sector, the sale of water, minerals and tourism.
After the death of Kali father, he shares the burden of his family. He develops his vision to raise his family and African below the cycle of poverty endemic to Africa. He always aware that in the midst of this material poverty, his family and his community did not suffers from emotional or intellectual poverty. He is a passionate man, hates violence, despair, selfishness and unfairness. He doesn’t know about politics. Kali is not in favor of gender discrimination. He equally treats male and female in both education and business sector. Kali complete his diploma in marketing management and business which makes him business leader of Lesotho. He first starts his small buying and selling operation and expanded into a food based trading enterprise called Letsema. Kali owned a business school that offers externally accredited marketing course computer skill and business studies which help little economy or industry happening outside of the small town centers and Masern.
1. The features of Lesotho, challenges it face and strategies that kali Charles Thannyane implement to overcome such challenges
Features of Lesotho as:
a.       Lesotho is landlocked country an people are inherited poverty and uncertainty.
b.      Lesotho has a proud tradition of independence.
c.       Lesotho was extremely difficult, facing internal political conflicts.
d.      Peoples of Lesotho lives below the poverty line.
e.       Lesotho major earning is from export sector.
          Challenges face by it:
a.       How to get out the population from under poverty cycle to product wealth that benefited the many.
b.      Lesotho contains huge resources but people are unaware of it. So to aware   people to use the resources that people had.
c.       To persuade people to take responsibility for their economic situation and to develop a mindset that equates long term success.
d.      To build a sense of elf-esteem in others and make them to feel and respect themselves, their dream and vision.
             Strategies that kali Charles Thannyane implement to overcome such challenges as:
a.     Kali strategy based on the view that all development starts from individual so the commitment to gender equality. His emphasis Female involvement in business sector as well as in education sector.
b.      His believes knowledge and information combine with hard work, patience always produce positive results.
c.       Goal of individual must be identified and implemented.
d.      Doesn’t afraid from challenges, difficulties. Try to face them and derive for solution. It always provides success in life.
e.       He tries to build up his connection and relation development.
f.       We must follow rule & regulation, code of conduct must be practical , achievable, clarified , made known ad abided by everyone.

g.      He gives importance on time management. We must run with time.