I have taken two popular brands of the world i.e. COCA COLA and Pepsi.  Both Brand have their identifying brand elements they are :
1      Memorability
  • Ø Brand elements should inherently be memorable and attention-getting, and therefore facilitate recall or recognition
  • Ø  Easily recognizable
  • Ø  Easily recalled

From the beginning coca cola maintains their brand name as an easily recognized and recalled brand for all. So that, each and every body can recall and recognize the coca cola.
People across the world are able to recognize the Pepsi brand name and is characteristically unforgettable – especially when the brand is continuously compared to Coca-Cola’s widely recognizable brand name. However, some consumers have even said, “People know who Pepsi is; yet, it doesn't seem to be enough to surpass Coca-Cola” (Price, 2014).

  • Ø  Brand elements may take on all kinds of meaning, with either descriptive or persuasive
  • Ø  Content.
  • Ø  Two particularly important criteria
    •         General information about the nature of the product category 
    •         Specific information about particular attributes and benefits of the brand
  • Ø  The first dimension is an important determinant of brand awareness and salience; the second, of brand image and positioning.

Coca cola always try to give information to the consumers. It that reason consumers are really influenced to have coca cola as their favorite brand. There are some problems are rising for meaning of coca cola in china
Coke then researched 40,000 Chinese characters and found a close phonetic equivalent “ko-kou-ko-le”, which can be loosely translated as “happiness in the mouth”. (Competition in 1930s)
Pepsi’s slogans have always been descriptive and persuasive, leading consumers intrigued by the brand. Slogans including “Live for Now,” “More Happy,” and “Be Young, Have Fun, Drink Pepsi" evoke positive feelings for Pepsi consumers. When referencing Pepsi slogans, “consumers bring up words like invigorating, uplifting, exciting, fun. The beauty of the word happy is it kind of captures all of them" (Associated Press, 2007).

  • Ø  Coca cola find the brand element aesthetically is appealing to the customers.
  • Ø  Coca cola have some descriptive and persuasive elements reduce the burden on marketing communications to build awareness.
  • Ø  They have also Rich visual and verbal imagery.

  • Ø  Besides the obvious – taste – many consumers also enjoy Pepsi’s modern and sleek packaging and find it aesthetically pleasing which helps them to identify the brand, be exposed to descriptive persuasive information, drives them to increase product consumption (Keller, 2013d). The miniature cans of Pepsi cola are just enough cola for many consumers and many find them “adorable” or “cute.”


Coca cola have usefully done the brand element for line or category extensions. They have many product line and category for the consumers. Their market is also vast and effective, so that they are catching the customer eye.
The spokespeople Pepsi use in its advertising, are typically worldwide popular icons that help the brand be easily transferred across geographic boundaries. When consumers across the nation see Beyoncé, for example, drinking a cola, they are able to relate to the Pepsi brand as the pop star sensation has worldwide global domination.

Coca Cola
Coca cola have the more Adaptable and flexible the brand element, the easier it is to update it to changes in consumer values and opinions.
For example, logos and characters can be given a new looking or a new design to make them appear more modern and relevant.
Pepsi has adapted its image as well as its logo to appeal to consumers and aid in product consumption (Keller, 2013d). “Pepsi is joining a move to simplicity and silence characterized by spare, pure design” (McWade, 2009). Although some individuals dislike Pepsi’s current logo, consumers have commended the brand for its efforts to modernize the logo. “While Pepsi’s look has been modified PEPSI BRAND XPLORATORY 15 many times, its wavy red, white and blue circle has remained basically the same and is Pepsi’s real icon” (McWade, 2009).
6.      Protectability

Coca Cola
  • Ø   Coca cola’s brand elements that can be legally protected internationally.
  • Ø  It is formally registered chosen brand elements with the appropriate legal bodies.
  • Ø  Coca cola’s vigorously defend trademarks from unauthorized competitive infringement.

Generally, consumers understand and are aware that the brand name, logo, symbol, and slogan as well as all other pertinent brand elements cannot be copied or infringed for a competitive gain. Although copies of the Pepsi logo can easily be found on the Internet, consumers do not try to replicate the brand or its likeness in any sort of fashion as they are cognizant of the repercussions or attempts to copy the brand’s protected elements.