Hulu one of the greatest platform for online video service that offers a selection of TV hits shows, clips, movies, on free. Hulu is one of the top video streaming sites in U.S; today the service has over four million subscribers and approximately 30 million unique viewers per month.

What do you think Hulu's owners should do now?

Hulu owner should more focus on market competitive brand where it can stay up to top and make different new strategies where it can compete with other video streaming company like YouTube, Netflix. As Hulu was not up to mark with advertisement alone, the company should more focus on bringing new services which is more innovative and versatile. Though the revenue is not up to the mark with advertisement, it should approach on limited base advertisement, where they can create an awareness campaign and spread the deal in the globe.  

What is it about this situation context that is so challenging?

The context that is so challenging is that, the company is not able to sustain its business model; the company is being in huge display of fighting piracy of different videos and redistribution of videos and media streaming, the company was facing a huge challenge in software abuse and geo blocking, where they were facing a huge problems and was unable to redirect the business into new trend.

What type of resources does Hulu have? Are they unique? Explain.

Hulu is owned by entertainment and broadcasting powerhouses, including NBC universal, Comcast, NewsCorp and Walt Disney. They can be unique if they value added the service they are providing with different segmentation, where consumer can take full advantage and provide good feedback of the service. The service should be as different from other product where they can lead the market it terms of service they are providing it should be rare.


  1. Most people don't have the idea that there are sites, that you can download HD movies form without going to the cinema. This is because they don't pay attention to it. However, there are sites that you can do that. Since the latest pandemic of not going out and staying indoors.
