3. It has been suggested that over 70 percent of all buying decisions are made in the store and as a result, point-of-purchase advertising has grown in its appeal. Give three examples of point-of-purchase advertising that you have recently come across (ads in-store, personal selling by a cosmetic counter salesperson, etc.) and comment on the effectiveness to them of this type of advertising. Did you buy the product? Did the advertising annoy you? Moreover, in the role of a marketing executive, would you recommend spending part of your advertising budget on this form of media?

Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade and remind consumers directly or indirectly about products and brands they sell. The marketing communications consists of eight major modes of communication such as advertising, sales promotion, events and experiences, public relations and publicity, direct marketing, interactive marketing, word of mouth and personal selling. In recent years, reduced effectiveness of traditional mass media has led advertisers to increase their emphasis on alternative advertising media. Place advertising or out of home advertising is a broad category including many creative and unexpected forms to grab consumers' attention.

The appeal of point-of-purchase advertising lies in the fact that in many products categories customers make the bulk of their final brand decisions in the store. There are various ways to communicate with consumers at the point of purchase. In stores advertising includes ads on shopping carts, cart straps, banner, display about the product and offerings, aisles and shelves. The promotion options can be in-store demonstrations, live sampling and instant coupon machines. 70% consumers decided to buy the products when they are in store and point of advertising should be good for people to make them to purchase your products.

  I have so many experiences about the POP decisions. Few days ago, I went to a store to purchase a dress. My intention at that time was to buy only a dress. At the same time I saw an ads, that store is offering buy one get one free schemes for shoes. I was delighted with that special offers and I had some extra money too. Though I didn't plan to buy the shoes but that offer changed my mind. Another example of mine is that recently, I was encountered a problem with cosmetic sales person. Seriously, I had no interest to buy such products which lack brand name. He was trying to convince me but I ignored his offerings. Similarly, I was in store to buy gifts for my friend's birthday. I saw chocolates wrapped attractively. That product catches my eyes and purchases that as well. Hence, advertising plays the key role to make the product stand out of the crowd and enhance its sale ability. The advertisement for any product should be utmost concern of the company and extra care and effort is required to conceive a unique advertisement concept. The common objective of every business is to increase the sales and enhance the profitability. So the store's POP displays should be designed in effective manner to achieve the desired goal.

 If I were in a position of marketing executives, of course I would recommend spending part of advertising budget on this form of media. This is because spending some part advertising budget on this form of media increase the effectiveness of manufacturer and customers will be attracted to purchase the products.